12. Foreign Feelings

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"Where are you taking me, stop ㅡ " Sunghoon stopped as he observed the place Jay took him to. They were right infront of the Forbidden Forest. "But, this isn't allowed."

"When did we ever do the things allowed?" Jay smirked as he pulled the other boy towards him. Sunghoon gasped due to the force. "What are you doing?"

Jay didn't respond, merely staring at Sunghoon with heart eyes. "I've been dying to do this to you."

"Do what?"

Before he had the time to be confused, Sunghoon was pulled into a soft passionate kiss by Jay. The Ravenclaw was too shocked to kiss him back.

Jay pulled back frowning. "Was that a wrong move?" He asked, concerned. He didn't want to make Sunghoon uncomfortable at all. He feared taking things too fast for Sunghoon to be comfortable and certainly, he didn't want him to break-up with him just because he went too fast with their relationship.

Sunghoon smiled shyly. "No. It wasn't ㅡ I mean, I was too shocked to kiss back." Jay felt relieved at his words. His facial expressions relaxed as he once again stared lovingly at his boyfriend.

This time, Sunghoon smashed his lips onto Jay's which took him by surprise but he recovered from it and started kissing back.

Panting, the boys broke apart with red cheeks and shy smiles, still staring at eachother. Just then, something in the dark sky caught Jay's attention.

He squinted his eyes to get a clear view. Sunghoon upon noticing such discomfort on Jay's face, asked him, "What's wrong Jongseong?"

He didn't respond still staring at the thing which seemed to be an owl ㅡA great white snowy owl, it was. He tried to find where it came from.

Not the owlery, He thought suspiciously.

Then his sight of vision caught the open window of Professor Yoon's cabin and he immediately knew it.

Jay looked back at Sunghoon apologetically. "I'm sorry Sunghoon, I know I shouldn't leave this ㅡ I mean our romantic session like this but it's something I believe I need to inform the Headmistress quickly. You could join me."

He took off towards the castle immediately where he found few people still laughing together and few preparing to go back to their dormitories after a long, romantic night.

Sunghoon arrived at his heels, looking perplexed. He looked for Jungwon and Jane but the two were nowhere around so he followed Jay like a lost Niffler.

Jay arrived before the Headmistress' office. The Gargoyle stood frozen as a statue infront of him. He looked around the whole tower and one thing was for sure ㅡ He didn't know the password.

Sunghoon reached there and saw the Slytherin boy in great distress. He smiled. "The password?"

Jay nodded. "Yeah. I don't know the password." Sunghoon gave him another smile before stepping infront of the Gargoyle. "Unicorn Carousels." The Gargoyle started to move, revealing stairs that led to the Headmistress' office.

Sunghoon gestured him to follow when he stepped on the stairs. The stairs escalated and soon they found themselves infront of a wooden door.

Jay stepped infront of it and knocked three times. An elderly female voice let them in.

Jay observed the office. There were photos of several Headmistresses and Headmasters who were the predecessors of their Headmistress.

"Mister Park?" She asked both of them. Jay quickly turned his head towards her. "Oh ㅡ um, yeah. . .good evening, Professor Corner."

"Good evening both of you. What's your concern?" She took off her spectacles and placed them on the desk.

"Professor I believe that our current Defence Against Dark Arts teacher ㅡ Professor Yoon ㅡ he's a threat."

"What makes you believe so?" She said, squinting her eyes at him. Sunghoon happily gazed around the office, bowing at the different photos of Headmistresses and Headmasters who smiled at him. Some even waved at him.

Jay let out a sigh. This could mean trouble for both Sunghoon and him but he had to spill it. "Er ㅡ I saw him sent an owl to someone. . . ten minutes ago, I reckon it was."

"So, I may believe you were prying on your professor ㅡ "

"No! Er ㅡ I mean, no. . .I wasn't. Well, he ㅡ Park Sunghoon and I were out for a walk and that's when I saw a snowy owl fly away from his window."

Professor Corner raised an eyebrow at him. "He could be just letting his owl fly at night."

Jay put his palm out. "It didn't seem so! I'm sorry for shouting ㅡ but, it had a letter tied to it's legs. . ."

"He could be contacting his family." She said calmly with her chin resting on her hand and a bored look rested on her face.

"That's the point professor. He doesn't have one."

"How would you know?" She looked up at him with a serious expression. Jay sighed once more. "I know him through my grandmother. . . he's an orphan."

Professor Corner cleared her throat. "Why do you think he's a threat to the school?"

"Because he's a Slytherin ㅡ "

"You are too. So, may I believe you're a threat to the school aswell, Mister Park?" She said seriously, now standing up.

Sunghoon who was still smiling at the Headmasters and Headmistresses flinched.

Jay stood still in his spot, trying to argue. "But Professor ㅡ he's too a ㅡ "

"Beds, now!" She ordered, sending the two out of her office.

As Jay walked away from the office, he felt quite outraged at the professor. Nobody could understand what he was feeling at the moment.

He was scared. He was afraid someone would harm Jungwon. If it happened, anyhow, what would he reply to his grandmother and mother? What would he reply to himself?

And that Yoon Jeonghan as definitely a threat to his brother. That man could never be trusted, he spoke the tounge of Salazar Slytherin after all.

Greatly devoted he was. Like his aunt and uncle. . .

Jay knew all about them but he could never tell Jungwon about it. He was forbidden to and whenever the five year old Jungwon asked him about his parents, the seven year old Jay would take a quick glance at his mother before denying that he knew anything about his uncle and aunt.

Sunghoon noticed the distress on the Slytherin's face and placed a hand of reassurance on his shoulder. Jay flinched but relaxed when he realized it was Sunghoon.

"Go to your Common Room now, Hoon. And, please take care of Jungwon ㅡ don't let him be alone with Professor Yoon at all."

Sunghoon frowned. "Eh? What's wrong?"

"I can't tell you this here," He sighed. "Now go, please. . .good night."

He left the boy and ran towards his Common Room.

"Pure Blood." He said to the potrait and stepped inside. Everyone went to their beds by now. But Jay sat before the fire which was cracking merrily.

He was so deep in his thoughts that he never noticed when the Sun came up and the night was soon over.


Jungwon couldn't sleep too. Surprisingly, the thing that kept him all night was how incredible Sunoo looked. He couldn't help but to think of the Hufflepuff boy in that bold black suit everytime he closed his eyes.

It's so wrong. He reminded himself but would his mind listen to him?

The morning came by and he was soon woken up by Sunghoon's yelling. The annoyed expression was back in his face.

"Oof, can you stop yelling like that?" He told him as he turned to the other side.

"It's 8:30 AM, you'll miss breakfast. Wake up!" He now started shaking Jungwon's bed.

"You're so annoying. . ." Jungwon mumbled and got ready before heading down to The Great Hall.

When he thought his day would be great, his eyes landed on Sunoo talking merrily to Ni-Ki. He felt gloomy watching them conversing happily.

Sunghoon looked over to see the younger boy staring off to space, stirring the already stirred cereals. He sighed, taking the spoon from his hands. "What are you thinking so densely about?"

"Sunoo. . ." Jungwon answered absentmindedly. His voice vague but Sunghoon caught the word.

"Are you sure you don't like him more than friends?" He asked the boy, raising his eyebrow at him.

Jungwon broke out of his trance. "Stop your nonsense." He huffed and got up from his seat before leaving the place and heading off to the Astronomy Tower.

He was annoyed. He didn't want Sunoo to speak to anyone smiling like that other than him. And maybe. . .just maybe, he was jealous.

Can't a boy be jealous seeing his bestfriend talk to someone else laughing? He thought.

As he sat there knees to his chest, a sweet bubbly voice called him. Knowing it was Sunoo, he chuckled. Not turning back, he replied, "I'm right here."

He could hear Sunoo giggle before the said boy sat down beside him on the floor. "You didn't eat your breakfast." He said, eyes filled with concern but Jungwon didn't look at him.

"No appetite." He answered shortly looking down at the floor. Sunoo sigh and took out a cookie. He put that infront of Jungwon's face. "Here. I could only get this from the kitchen."

"Kitchen?" He said surprised before taking the cookie. Sunoo chuckled. "Yeah. The Hogwarts Kitchen! The house elves are really nice."

Jungwon's brows furrowed. "What? How'd you get in there?"

"There's a secret passage. I'll tell you someday." He said taking a bite of his cookie. Jungwon too nibbled his cookie.

"Sunoo," He called him vaguely. Sunoo looked at him. "Yeah?"

"I ㅡ I feel so weird these days. . ." He said, brows still furrowed. Sunoo stared at him in concern. "What is it?"

"T-To be honest. . . It's related to you."

Sunoo listened attentively as Jungwon let out all his thoughts to him. "Related to me?"

"Yeah. . .When I saw you enjoying with Ni-Ki yesterday, I felt like I could hit him. It feels weird to watch you talk to someone that's not me, smiling so wide. . ."

Sunoo started to get the hints of why he was feeling so and somehow that made him smile. "Do you know why?" He asked him quite expectantly.

"No. . . it's foreign. I've never felt it before." Jungwon frowned. Sunoo released a sigh.

"It's alright. . .I hope you find out soon. Won't you find out soon?"

"I don't know."

That was it. It was what made Sunoo disappointed in Jungwon. He didn't speak to the boy rest of the day, confusing him very much.

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